@Roy N. where can I search for Rent in the neighbourhood hood and what is capex im French sorry
Here is the property link; i don't know if I’m allowed but whatever
It was sold before and the other person didn’t pass for the loan or something, the owner accepted 365 000$
They have done 30 000$ Reno and have a insurance claim of 20 000$ for (bric de plomberie) so you have a brand new apartment on 2 levels.
Roof is clean as been done 8 years ago but need to be look at when I go Sunday.
The siding is rough and the agent said it would need new windows. Inspection as been done in 2013 and they reinvested in it to make it comforme to laws or something I don't know the rights terms from French to English sorry. And foundation is clean.
2 Rents a 750$, 2 rents at 525$ 1 rent at 725$
Listed as a 4plex to the city not a 5plex (really don't know what that means).
And the owner is leaving the country in 2 weeks after that it’s going to a management company (Versail gestion).
Anyways I'm going to see it Sunday I'll have more info.
@Colleen F.
@Colleen F. thank you never tought about fire alarms i writed every thing down so I'm not lost with the Agent.
thank you guys it really help