Thanks @Rick Santasiere, @Account Closed
Yesterday I submitted the offers, yes offers, to the seller's agent, she responded to me this morning and less than two hours later said the seller had summarily dismissed them. It seems Ed E. wins the prize on this one, the owner obviously has more ego than brains. (Incidentally, I discovered the seller filed for divorce last week and thought that would have motivated him a little to offload one more headache. But apparently not.) Even without a mortgage, the taxes, insurance and sewer costs alone make the property cash flow negative. As I told the agent- I can't make it worth any more than it is, and I certainly won't pay more than it's worth.
I was listening to a podcast the other day and Brandon told a story of a property he picked up that the seller had originally asked $80K for. His initial offered of $60k was rejected. The seller later lowered the price to $60K, he subsequently offered $40K and it was accepted. Frankly, I see this scenario going the same way.
I know I spent more than a reasonable amount of time on this one but in the beginning the analysis and the action themselves have value, even if the offer is not accepted. So overall I feel pretty good. I have bid on properties before on Hubzu and but this was the first time I drew up an actual purchase agreement, a POF letter and submitted an EMD check all on my own. Frankly, after considering Rick's comments I was a little nervous I offered too much and part of me was more afraid he would say yes!
For those that are interested- the original asking price was $489k. After 4 months the seller lowered the price to $399k. I estimated the ARV at $395k based on comps. There were no 4 families in the area but newly renovated 3 families sell for approximately $85-87/sf. That would bring it to about $420k but remember that includes close to $100k in repairs, a current 75% vacancy which will become 100% vacancy in 45 days. Of course the rehab estimate may have been a little high but we're talking 4900 sf of paint and floors, 4 kitchens, 4 baths, a built up roof, upgraded electrical, plumbing, furnace and a 117 year old building. I was also looking to individually meter the water. I then used the 70% of ARV minus rehab and came up with the my offers.
The first offer was cash with no contingencies at $186,547. (All offers with $1,000 binder.) The second was a traditional finance at $203,296 with an inspection and finance contingency, and the third was an attempt at creativity inspired by Greg S. I offered $211,828 with 5% down and asked for seller financing at 0% for the duration of the rehab (a time defined as not more than 9 months) with a cash balloon payment at the end. My plan was to refinance following the after repair appraisal. The part of this I was unsure of was that I offered a promissory note rather than a title transfer upon agreement. I did not expect the rehab and re-occupancy to take longer than a few months and wanted to avoid any issues with seasoning and the added closing costs.
The BRRR calculator put my purchase cap rate at 13.07%, the pro forma at 7.01% and the monthly cash flow at $690. Although, as I mentioned in my initial post, that did not account for the current vacancy rate. So the offer rejection aside, and knowing full well this is a question I should have asked yesterday, how did I do? Did I dodge a bullet or did I overshoot?