Hi @Charles LeMaire. My son began the process of Multifamilies a few years back based on teaching of @Michael Blank. He asked me to join his company and we went to a @Dave Lindahl event. He had already begun an email relationship with @Rod Khleif. We actually plunked down some money for coaching the Lindahl. Interestingly enough, the 'salesman' for Lindahl said he didn't think there was much they could teach us as my son had already had 2 LOI's accepted as well as my experience. We contracted on 101 units in Ohio and it was Rod Khleif's organization that sponsored us and got the deal done.
As far as teaching goes, I can't speak to Rod. I would assume that his coaching is good.
It wasn't until our deal in Ohio, when I moved to the property to get rehab off the ground that I learn of @Brad Sumrock. I learned of him through a man and wife that wanted to passively invest their money and really didn't want to be the sponsor.
I have found people in all the organizations that want to make the money and don't want to find the deals. Which is perfect for us. As we want to find the deals and then syndicate with others.
I have heard good things about Brad and will probably attend one f his 'bootcamps' next year.
As you said, don't move forward if you have no money or you have no drive.
Coaching can be great, if you work the coaching program. Almost regardless of who teaches it - because the basics are the basics.
But if you don't want to work then save your money - just look for sponsors/snydicators who can put your money to work. Within the next 24 months the market will begin to slide and deals will be more prevalent.