Hi Saad! I think it's super important to, #1, educate yourself on landlord/tenant laws in NC. Whether you are going to self-manage or hire a property manager, you need to familiarize yourself. Here is a booklet from HUD: https://ncdoj.gov/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?juwpfisadmin=false...
A licensed property manager will be able to utilize the NC Residential Rental Agreement, Pet Addendum, etc. If you self manage, there are several websites where you can download your own rental agreement or, my recommended option, would be to contact a real estate attorney to assist in drafting an agreement that both protects you and your asset while ensuring that you are well within the laws that surround rental properties
Sites to post on: Apartments.com, Homes.com, Zillow and MLS seem to be where we get most of our long term rental inquiries.
I am a property manager local to Charlotte and am happy to assist. I also highly recommend @Maranda Tucker. Good luck!