Originally posted by @Patrick Jackson:
I worked for a contractor briefly back in the day and I find that they cascade. Meaning they get behind on one jibe because someone gave them a deposit that they blew. So they have to disappear and get another deposit from a new job before they can come back to finish the first one. So that’s when they disappear. Then it keeps going and going because they never catch up.
Thanks for posting this. You reminded me of a situation I just encountered. We hired a contractor to do some foundation work. Within a year, it failed. I contacted him and he denied there was a problem- even though the left front was visibly crooked! I ended up getting an engineer's report. We went 'round and 'round. I got an attorney involved. Then, despite my having a quote, our acceptance, pictures he posted of the job in progress, an invoice upon completion of work and proof of payment, he denied we ever did business with us!
At any rate, what my attorney told me dovetails quite nicely with what you said. My attorney said most contractors are lousy businessmen. They buy a decked out F350 they don't need and can't afford, live from job to job and the risk/reward of going to trial made it too risky to pursue.
Live and learn.
Oh and I suspect the problem is worse in rapidly growing areas. When work is tight, I suspect the market weeds out a lot of the riff raff. No proof of it, just a hunch.