First off, I am new to BP and I have to say, I haven't come across a better source of education. It's like plugging into that machine from the Matrix to learn Jiu Jitsu (only you learn about real estate investing).
I'm beginning to compile a mailing list from using many of the filters recommended by some of the experts on BP. I have seen posts by experts (e.g. @Michael Q.) suggesting people add 7+ years length of residence as a filter.
I want to understand the rational. If the purpose is to ensure that there is enough equity in the house, doesn't the equity % filter already account for that? On the other hand, you could presume that motivation to sell increases with time. But then, why not use 3+ years or 5+ years. It seems that using 7+ years would exclude some absentee homeowners who both used cash to finance their purchase and have experienced distress sooner than 7 years in.
This is not just a theoretical question. My list shrinks significantly when I go from 3+ years to 7+ years.
Any feedback is greatly appreciated.