I don’t want to say cold calling is BS, because people do it, and it does work, but there are better ways. Like Bruce suggested, start messaging, texting or calling people you know. After I passed my test I posted about it on Facebook and got 25 comments, my normal posts get 2-3. Im messaging a couple people a day, not even about real estate, just staying in touch. I haven’t talked to “mike” in 10 years, but I’m going to message him and say “hey it’s been forever how are you, I saw your business post the other day, I was wondering what kind of roofing you specialize because I have people asking me for roofers all the time”. Bring value first if you can.
VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO, you gotta be on video. Every social media platform promotes video, they reward you for using it because their users are spending more time on it. Video converts better in emails, websites and social. It demonstrates your personality so people get to know like and trust you before meeting you. So I could say to mike, “hey I’m a realtor and interviewing local contractors, to teach homeowners. can I interview you on video, talk about your business and the advantages of metal roofs” he gets more business, I educate homeowners, build authority and attention, and hopefully when mike thinks of a realtor he’ll refer me because I brought him value.
Social media is a longer game, you’re not going to get clients from it right away, but it’s far more scalable than cold calling. It creates warm leads, and can provide value to others first, and keeps your attention level up. Grant cardone says best attention beats best product or service. It’s true, in my town one top brokerage has all the attention, doesn’t matter if they’re better, people just think they are. If you can have best attention and best product, you’ll crush it.
You just have to find which strategy works for you and your style, and go all in. Ricky Carruth is a big cold calling guy on YouTube if that’s what you like. People in his Facebook group call 500 numbers a day or week, get 5-10 answers, and a few become prospects. It does work eventually. Just remember Ricky built his reputation with video marketing on YouTube lol
Sorry that’s so long, that’s my take on social media and video marketing. I’m a new agent like you, struggling to find ways to market myself quickly. If you’re interested I’d love to call or zoom about anything related to social media and video, to share what I’ve learned. I’d love to know your thoughts about being a new agent, it would honestly help me a lot to know what other new agents struggle with and that I’m not alone haha