My permits for my duplex in Columbus are almost at the finish line of being approved, except the reviewer requested that I get a design professional to add the language "UL 263" to the drawing of my fire wall. We plan to do everything up to code, but does minor detail in a drawing really need to involve consultation with a design professional? Any advice would be appreciated.
Also, if this helps, the building department emailed me these details in terms of what is required for a fire wall.
Residential Code of Ohio Table 302.1 requires the common wall for two adjoined houses on separate lots to be 1 hour fire tested in accordance with ASTM E 119 or UL 263 with exposure from both sides, for each house; total combined fire rating of 2 hours. Fire-resistance-rated wall assemblies shall extend to and be tight against the exterior walls; and shall extend from the foundation, through the attic space and to the underside of the roof deck.