Thanks for the kind words and feedback Jerry Puckett. I feel like I should clarify a few things to not give a misconception of my video/video landing page, newsletter and to show how it can relate to Nick J.
I completely understand what you are saying about being strung along and I have fallen to the same ploys in some terrible internet marketing newsletters, which is why I don't do that. I actually deliver what I promise in the video and am completely honest and upfront, I don't spam, or sell their information and that is something that is sadly missing from most peoples newsletters. But, at the same time I don't want to offer some service or product right off the bat either. There are two reasons for that:
1) I offer complete guides and information on how to market businesses. This is everything from how to rank videos in Google, to how to film a video properly, to how to set up a nice looking FB page. This is something that is an ongoing process and can't be taught in a single product of guide. Also, by providing such good quality and valuable information I want to form a relationship with my audience. That way when I do have a product to sell or promote my "sell" will be ten times easier. It's all about the relationship.
2) If I try to sell to them right off the bat and offer them a all-in-one miracle product it will be a very tough sale and if I do get a sale it will likely be one sale. But, if I give them a top quality newsletter that they gain value from I can sell to them much easier since we formed a relationship and they will likely buy from me again and again.
So, the "little nugget" I give them is just to get them to the newsletter. Once they are there they receive then entire package. I don't string them along or continue to dangle a carrot in front of them. That is what is missing from most newsletters, in my opinion. I have learned a lot from bloggers like Pat Flynn and I understand that giving stuff away (good quality stuff) for free will come back to you in trust and sales.
I just wanted to clear the air that I am not intending to string them along, only to spam their inbox. I am currently transforming my site into a blog/community where I will be teaching everything I learn and test. I have enjoyed the video marketing test so much I want to continue to do the same thing on my site. That is why I created the video/video landing try and build an audience.
BUT! I understand it doesn't directly relate to Nick's original question because I am building a newsletter and he is collecting leads. So, this is my recommendation for Nick. I would outline something like this: (sorry it took so long to get to this lol)
1) I would create a video similar to the one I did for Jon. Or you could even put yourself in from of the camera, similar to what I did in my small business marketing video and talk to the audience. Tell them what you do, why they need it and how to get started (call to action).
Get that video ranked for your desired keywords.
2) The call to action you use should direct them to your landing page. Make the landing page simple, to the point, and only leave them two options: 1- to fill our your form or 2 - close the page. Do not have links to anything else.
I understand that many people like to use the long forms because it gives higher quality leads. But, I personally like the short forms because you get more leads and people are more likely to fill them out. Personally, if I was looking to sell my home I would not fill out a long form just to have someone contact me. Jerry may have some other input on this because I am sure he has more experience than me on gaining leads for the investor industry and knows what forms work best.
3) The video on the landing page should be something along the lines "I am so excited to see you're ready to get a cash offer on your home today! To get your cash offer, you only need to fill out the form to the right (below, above, etc) and hit enter. That's it. We will contact you with your offer in 24 hours (48, 72 or however long it takes). "
When gaining leads you don't need to string them along, but I would definitely leave a "little nugget" for them. And I think that nugget could be an instant cash offer. You could say things like "have you ever wondered what you could get for your house right now?" or " Would you like to get a cash offer on your home today?"
wow, sorry that was so long. But, I just wanted to give some reasoning as to why I designed the video and video landing page the way I did. I will be covering it again in the video test thread with results, including how long people stay on my newsletter etc.
Nick, if you have any questions let me know. I would love to see your final outcome and hear about your results. If you need help with a landing page design I can give you a few ideas.