I am brand new into the Real Estate investing arena, and was hoping that a Pro could take a look at my situation and explain what they might do if they were me.
Prior to a couple weeks ago my interest in Real Estate investing, from afar, was in flipping houses. I wanted to do the fun stuff you see on TV all over the place. I'd still like to learn how to rehab & flip properties, but ever since taking a serious approach to getting into REI and started reading books, blogs, and listening to podcasts around here ... the buy & hold piece is where I think I really want to build my business. With using rehab & flipping as a way to build up capital to invest in the holds.
I'm ready to make moves, and not afraid to take the first step by buying my first investment property.
What I can't quite figure out, though, is how to attack this at the beginning. Try to find a way to creatively finance a hold or two? Or figure out a way to creatively finance flips and use the proceeds from the flips to acquire holds?
A little about me ... I work full-time in the IT field with a strong salary, and my credit is excellent. I do not have enough cash on hand to put 20-25% down on the prices around here in order to get a conventional loan. And I also own a rental property in GA (not on purpose, more due to circumstance), as well as our primary residence here in WA.
Prior to me looking into REI, I had put together a plan for my wife and I to pay off all of our Student Loans, Cars, and Credit cars in the next 1.5-2 years. I would like to keep on that timeline, but if the investments I make with the money that would have gone to debt will payoff in the long run, I don't mind delaying that process.
I feel like the best way for me to proceed is to rehab & flip a couple houses, rolling the proceeds to the next one each time. Meanwhile, continuing to pay down our personal debt. And once I have some capital built up (and hopefully debt paid off), I can move toward acquiring some holds.
Is my thought process at least right?