@JD Martin
You have taken my posts down for less then "bootlicking lackey's incapable of running a fruit stand" LOL
Trump, his lackey's and pathetic lackey supporters (like yours truly) believe that America can charge a premium price to countries that want to sell here in the states. In fact they believe that could finance 25% or more of our entire federal expenditures. If that means we import less consumer plastic niknaks or throw away appliances so be it. If the financial engineers, globalists (whatever you want to call them) can't make as large of a fortune good. But the wealthiest Americans success should be tied tied directly, to the success and opportunities of working Americans currently they are not, that is what Trump (that beautiful orange man) tapped into and what MAGA is all about.
@Scott Trench I love you but I do get "triggered" (as I am not above that) by these reductionist debates or attitudes which I know you are trying not push. What is good for American families and communities will be good for real estate in the long run.