So, I had a previous owner do an expansion on the existing main house living room ... (good for her/him) but would you look at that flooring after I pulled out all the carpet?.. well damn! what a shame not to work with the existing hardwood and expand it! or at least save me some sanding and level it all out haha. But anyways, just an aside to other investors if you're not messing with floating floors you should start... So EASY... you got this... I KNOW IT... DIY ALL DAY
Underlay well, get that first course in correctly (feel free to ask about the finer details of this... I gotcha), run till you reach the perimeter and carefully finish it off. The quarter round trim will save you, but the tighter you start the better the art
The thresholds can be interesting, but its simply another piece of material to buy and its rather ergonomic (just make sure you cut it tight and don't warp the metal base you click the laminate into (too warped and youll never fix it... already cost me money why should it cost you... cut carefully lol)
At this point I've bridged the gap where the expansion occurred, and dispute the rather stark change in elevation the forgiving floor has really cleaned it up
After that you just add the trim...
Look at the top photo then the bottom... now think (Is that worth 587$ plus an afternoon and a rather dull miter saw blade?)
hell yes it is haha :)
thanks for checking this out... I've got soo much I could post, but I wanted to start small and see if anyone even cared to check it out...
Hey Memphis!
what do you think?
and should I continue?