Ok, so I'm going to recommend a product from the Dollar Tree - seriously, I own no stock or anything - but it has literally been the only thing that's worked. I had settling of black spray paint in a bunch of areas on a carpet that were not covered. I tried resolve, white vinegar, oxyclean, and several other products that were recommended to me. I own a vacuum-style steam cleaner and tried that. I swore I was going to have to replace the carpet. I finally googled how to get spray paint out of carpet and watched a dozen you tube videos. One suggested La's Amazing cleaner, it is a yellow cleaner in a simple clear bottle from Dollar Tree. I thought "what the heck" and bought two bottles. If anything, I would only be out $2. I swear this stuff really is 'amazing' - I know I sound like an ad, but I cannot believe this cleaner got out ALL of the spray paint, and you cannot tell a difference. I think (but not sure) that it's made for steam cleaners, but I didn't dilute it, I used it full strength. I put it in a sprayer, then sprayed little sections of the affected carpet as I went. Wear a mask, gloves, and scrub scrub scrub with a rag. It doesn't hurt to give it a shot, it's a buck. Good luck!