@Christina Colon A couple thoughts for you as my wife and I recently just made the same decision on our newer construction personal residence in Le Claire which was worth about $365k. We chose to rent it.
1. Cash flow of $150-$200 is really tight depending on how conservative you were with your assumptions. What vacancy rate did you consider? Ours was listed for rent for about 3 months this spring (luckily 2.5 we were still living there). What is your assumption for monthly rent? Sure, your expenses will likely be low for new construction which is a huge plus. We are cashflowing about $750 per month on ours which leaves some room for these assumptions. Time of year is going to be a HUGE factor for renting, I wouldn’t want to be trying to rent something in this price point out between October and March.
2. What is your competition for rentals in this price point? For us, the developer is renting many properties in our subdivision BUT we by far have one of the best lots/locations so he was just bringing more attention for us. Lots of competition can drive your monthly rent down.
3. Depending on how much other new construction is available where you are and their pricing, if you chose to sell you may need to be priced below them, so you will want to be sure you can confidently get what you are looking for. Bettendorf has a ton of new construction in the price point you are talking about. My wife is a local real estate agent and her experience has been that her clients tend to go with new construction over existing every time in Bettendorf if price/location is equal.
I don’t want to scare you from choosing rental path, but just make sure you are being honest with yourself on your assumptions.
Shawn Faris