@Robert P. - wow! You are having quite the experience for your first deal. Enjoy every overwhelming, exhilarating minute of it. The only thing I would add is a little clarification on the topic of discrimination that was first raised by @Timothy Daniels and was somewhat glazed over throughout this thread. I want to make sure you thoroughly understand this piece since you are going it alone.
The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination against prospective tenants and current tenants on the basis of the following characteristics or "protected classes": race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, and familial status. All but one of these is usually visible and apparent on your first meeting, i.e. a landlord could assume an applicant wearing a hijab is of the Muslim faith, or someone of darker skin tone is of ethnic descent, or a person who walks with a cane or is wheelchair-bound has a disability, or a person who speaks Spanish fluently (or conversely doesn't speak English well) is of Hispanic or Latin or non-American descent, or a woman is, well, a woman. These are very superficial but common assumptions and many a landlord has found herself in hot water for disqualifying renters based on impermissible reasons.
I suspect the reason Timothy Daniels told you you would have more exposure AFTER meeting someone face to face is because once you have met them, you can no longer deny knowledge of some of those more obvious physical traits that you would never learn about if you did a thorough pre-screen and weeded them out early without meeting. If ever charged with a claim of discrimination, which is bound to happen if you are in the landlord business long enough (cynical, I know) you lose that critical defense of lack of knowledge once you have met face to face. Obviously, you'll likely meet at least one to two applicants that you won't end up renting to with each new lease, but the better you get at the pre-screen, the more you can protect yourself. Just beware of the interplay of FHA going forward. Good luck and have fun!!!!