123 N Shore Owned by Partner A worth $105,000
123 Coffee Bedford owned by Partner B worth $55,000
ABC LLC has $1500 in the Bank, Partner B 51% Partner A 49%. In company resolution is it passed that Partner B & Partner A both assign respective properties to ABC LLC & additionally Partner B has agreed to contribute $40,000 (The $ amount can be changed as this is an internal document)
Expenses Paid By Partner B on her personal card
N Shore Rehab | $12,092.74 |
N Shore Insurance | $740.25 |
N Shore Utilities | 159.66 |
N Shore Earnest Money | 3000 |
Coffee Tavern Expenses | 5716.76 |
ABC LLC | 374.88 |
Loan/Gift to ABC LLC | 1500 |
Option 1
Partner B transfers entire $40,000 to ABC LLC & ABC LLC reimburses her all the above expenses she incurred on her personal credit card on the company's behalf as the company does not have a credit card yet.
Option 2
Partner B transfers entire $40,000 to ABC LLC & ABC LLC pays her personal credit card directly for the amount of expenses incurred on the company's behalf as the company does not have a credit card yet.
Option 3
Partner B just transfers the difference $40,000 - $23,584 = $16,415 . We can change the internal document that she is just brining in $16,415. In this option I am afraid ABC LLC wont be able to take care of the tax advantages on the expenses.