"Mr. Anderson, why do you persist!?!", Agent Smith, Matrix Revolutions, 2003.
Bryan - I'm a recently retired US Army veteran of 20yrs that has, over the last 16yrs, bought, sold, and traded for profit a little bit of everything (jewelry to foreign currency exchange to vehicles to real estate) oth stateside and overseas by pooling the resources of a unique network of Soldiers, DOD civilians, and retirees that I have invested with and for during these last 16yrs with an acceptable rate of success. We don't use loans. It is our money from deployments, bonuses, Thrift Saving Plan, IRAs, savings accounts, etc. Since retirement I'm able to pursue ventures full-time so I am 'Putting the band back together' sort to speak with what I'm working on now. I hope that answers your questions and provides you with a little more insight. I try to make it a point not to get too indepth with my dealings. I hope you can understand that.
Thanks for the advice. I was beginning to draw that same conclusion myself. I have registered agency right now there and just settled on which forwarding agent I want to use. Thank you again Steve and I want to thank everyone else for taking time out of your schedules and caring enough to address my question.
(This is my last response to this post. A response to this post is appreciated but not necessary.)