Quote from @Kevin Olson:
Quote from @Seth Kristian:
Curious if you had your hearing yet, any updates? I had wanted to get into STRs in the denver area, but may need to reconsider
Hey Kevin, yes i did have my hearing about two weeks ago. Its all done over zoom, presided by a hearing officer and some pent up attorney from the DA’s office with an axe to grind or maybe hes been incentivized in other ways. The hearing was a joke, and as predicted and noted in the earlier post, in spite of not showing me any law the city recommended action for revocation to the director. I submitted evidence refuting the mail issue, being in arrears etc… so they couldnt use any of their evidence from the highly over paid (by your taxes) AI analytics which produced that evidence and they decided i didnt meet my burden of proof because the airbnb was rented out for too many nights out of the year.
Note: there is nothing regulating the number of nights per year an STR can be booked, only a recommendation by some ex-host now E&L employee's recommendation for 183 days, though at no time will that be cited in proceedings, but seems its certainly being used against 200 or so denver hosts this year alone. So, active duty military, big pharmacy salesman, contractor, or just a traveling trust fund kid, where you are gone the majority of each year but still consider "x-city" to be your primary home/place of return, you'll be stripped of your license. Even if its your only home and an STR is how you cover the cost to keep said home.
Anyhow, i have a couple more days to appeal, and am in the process as we speak. Ill update later. IF I AM WRONG, can someone please point to me where EXACTLY in the CRS that it states anything about a specific number of nights per year booked and where that does not conflict with this home being your primary place of return i.e., guys lives in his car in the back alley so he can rent out his house as an alternative to losing it because (reasons), is this not his primary residence? Too frustrated to think clearly, but will update later. Cheers Kevin!