What would be the easiest way to tell if the whole life policy I got 12 yrs ago is structured this way? It allows me to pull out overfunded cash reserves as a loan against myself for 6%. Alot of this is very confusing to see if I am benefitting from continuing the policy. I know in the beginning I saw more of premium going towards the cost of the policy but now it looks close to equal. Here are the most current numbers for context.
2022 (1) 2023 (2)
Basic Policy Cash Value $47,920 (1) $54,220 (2)
Basic adds cash value $2,283.23 (1) $2,363.13 (2)
Ending Policy cash value $50,203.23 (1) $56,583.13 (2)
(1) is for 2022 (2) is for 2023
Policy Effective Date 9/24/2012
Total Billed Premium $6475
Base Face Amount 500K
Primary Dividend Option: I chose to apply to reduce premium the dividend I got was 1,743.54. Effectively making it so I paid 4,731 of my cash into the policy this last year.
Secondary Dividend Option: paid up additional insurance
Questions are
1. If i take out a 59K loan does this not erode any benefit of my dividend? Since i will be paying $3540 on the loan. (this erodes into the whole life policy and I am not necessarily required to pay it back but could cause the policy to lapse, which I don't understand how)
2. Having a hard time understanding if this policy is worth continuing and is actually benefitting me besides the death benefit.
3. Is this an example of the infinite banking model?
---Thanks guys interesting topic!