Thanks @David Faulkner I appreciate that you're stressing some of the less glamorous aspects of REI. I agree that I need to rethink using the word "passive" when discussing my REI investment goals, at least the initial ones. My goal is to reach a point where my primary involvement in my rental properties is working with a great PM, and that will be passive enough for me.
As far as the 20-30k initial investment is concerned, that's my hard limit as an investor. What I mean by that is while my returns may be less, and of course I'll have to use leverage, no matter how rocky things get I can handle them at that allocation. That's not to say I won't move more into RE as I gain knowledge and experience, and in the process achieve diversification, but emotional stability is my main concern.
I've never given much thought to counting debt towards the allocation, but technically you're right. I'm confident in my chances of getting tenants to pay that debt.
Your points about it being a business definitely resonate with me, though. I'll need to be prepared to put in the work to reach my goals. I do enjoy the research side of the job. Let's hope I enjoy the actual legwork.