There are people out there that dont have them time nor the inclination to manage the property. They want to invest and get a better return than what the banks or stocks provide. There are many people in your network right now that have the capability to help. Professors, your MD and or OB/GYN. You can work on creating an investment club but be careful on soliciting for money. Seek the advice of an attorney. Get in tight with the people in the CFRI.
Regarding your situation some investor may partner with you if you bring them a deal. Just like the one you are talking about. What makes your deal good? What are your numbers and how did you get to them? In this particular case if you are talking to the owner you can place the house under "contract" and look to wholesale it. This can be a good starting point in getting "skin in the game". If the numbers are right the money will come to you. Being able to see a win-win when you dont make as much money as you would like is the case as the investor/partner provides the cash/credit and in some/most cases the experience.
You have to have a plan on getting the property but to also have one on getting out of the property. The later being more important. This is how you and your investor partner get out of the deal. I think when you can explain to anyone how and when they get there investment money back plus whatever return you or the deal offer. Then you can market the deal and the investment money will come. Some Questions that come to mind:
1. what is the amount you are asking for?
2. how will you guarantee my investment?
3. what is your plan? meaning buy and hold of fix and flip?
4. do you have estimates on the renovation cost? for rental? for selling?
5. When does the investor get the money back? How?