One came up for sale in my town and the numbers looked good so I bought it. I bought the land and all the homes on it. I soon found out the income potential from the park, and since at that time I did all my own maintenance and management, I realized the great return on my time and investment....Since then I bought 4 more parks. I grew up living in a mobile home and my grandpa had a couple of trailers that he owned in a park, so I was kinda always around that kind of stuff. Truth be told I bought them because at that time I was full of youth and steam and making more money than I ever thought I would be capable of and assumed that I could do no wrong, ( I blame a type A personality and youth,).
When I first started out I would buy anything anywhere that would make me money and that my banker was on board with. I never did a whole lot of due dilligence like I do now , because I was young, naive, and just assumed that no matter what happened, I would just put my head down and push throught whatever problem I had. I know this method sounds stupid and impulsive, but I'm not a detail oriented guy, (in fact too many details put in front of my and my attention wanders ,) so I only looked at the bigger picture and assumed the little stuff would work itself out. I still go on my gut instincts just like I did when I started, but basically if I question a deal at all, I just listen to my gut, up to this point, it hasn't let me down. Can't recomend this for everyone, but it got me this far.
If the numbers work and you go into the deal with an open mind and a willingness to work hard no matter what, you'll be fine and successful in time. But it does take time, and if there's a shortcut to all of this, I'm not aware of it. I've been doing this for over 20 years and all I can say is you can't treat it like a job, you should treat it as a way of life, the great part of all of it to me is that I never feel like I "have" to go to work, I "Love" to go to work. Good Luck to you. Of course around San Francisco you may need to put a few more zeros in your calculations than I have to do in NE.
Sean K