Hey Everyone,
For starters, I am extremely new to this who thing, so please be patient with me if I ask stupid or inane questions!
There is an apartment complex (being a beginner, not sure why I don't focus on smaller things to get my feet wet, I guess I just like to aim high!) that I have had my eye on for some time now, the only problem is, I don't have any money to even afford the down payment on such a thing. I'm not exactly sure how to word my question, but without getting into all the details at the moment, are there investors out there who would invest and help facilitate the purchase? I would do all of the leg work (and manage) since I'm local, but maybe split (some percentage?) the rents or something until they get their share back plus interest? If they decide to sell before then, split the profits (some percentage?)? I guess my main question is, are there investors who are just looking for a long term investment for their money? My biggest concern too is, what's to stop them from going around me and just purchasing it themselves without my help?
I don't even know if any of this made sense! If it does, then I would love to hear what some of you guys have to say! I really want to get started in Real Estate, I just honestly have no clue how or where.
Thanks for your time! Looking forward to hearing from you soon!