Hi Stuart,
I think you're shining the flashlight on the correct thoughts about these two individuals.
One way to think about this is these two will also own the businesses and want, of course, to steer it in a manner that fills their wallet the best.
Right now you may see them as less than suitable for partnering with,
Maybe rethinking your own position about making money with them might produce a profit.
What I mean is finding the type of deals that you could do with each of them that would capitalize on their unique knowledge and skill sets and desires.
For instance if Mr X was a successful franchise operator and was looking for someone to handle things that you wanted to have done and you found a fixer upper of a franchise. I just use the franchise as a unique example.
Basically since you have these two assets at your disposal maybe tailoring a couple of investments to fit those assets might be the easiest way to go about it versus looking for a needle in the haystack.
Just my 2 Cents.