The last time I used subscription services to build lists and / or research properties, was at least 7-10 years ago. Much has changed I'd imagine
At that time- I found several services, like listsource, invaluable. But currently my goal is only to continue to buy maybe 1-2 off market holding/investment properties a year, so I generally didn't use these services enough to continue the subscription for long. Background. The off-market properties I'm seeking out personally are almost always low end (of the local market) , 95% raw land or tear downs. On top of the 'commonly used' investor filters like 2+ years back taxes, recently inherited, etc- I loved some additional possible/ unique filters like number of structures on a parcel, min/max land sq ft, initial purchase price, and ability to narrow down to very specific areas on a map. I would love to make OCCASIONAL specific "niche" unique lists for myself, for small neighborhoods or specific areas/etc. I wouldn't likely/necessarily be mailing a lot of letters for example.
But mainly, I would pay for a service that offered me the closest thing to an instant/on demand "preliminary title report" , that is something that greatly "simplified" initial research, preliminary only of course- based on apn. I am fully educated on what's public online/and how to access that easily, and I'm looking around for subscription/pay options that offer more "actual raw data" (on deeds, history, leins and public records) than the county sites, basically.
Research--for anything I identify as potentially interesting. I am familiar with how to view all assessors info, search deeds and recorded documents/etc per jurisdiction, and I do (enjoy) actual in depth recorded document/ research in person at the county offices too of course. and I will not just rely on 'the apps' - paying the title company as needed for a title report of course before proceeding with deals. Overall I have the impression that many software/tools--provide very interesting amount of actual deeds, history, lien info, county recorded documents, or other direct data.
Here is an incomplete list of some services I'm looking into, to see if I find one (or 2) that are a good fit! Cost alone not being my biggest consideration. PLEASE feel free to share your favorites, whether mentioned here or not, or help point me in the right direction however you can! thanks in advance for any input
Prospect now
pop appraiser
deal driven
deal machine
list source
property radar
realquest pro
rei pro
I'm sure there are more. (please note that some from the above list I have not (at all) vetted, some could be dead or not very legitimate etc)
Regrid is one of the more useful free tools.
(Are there any additional free apps/tools at the top of your own go-to list?)
Again, thanks for ANY input/experience/suggestions