@Eric W.. A lot of good responses for you above. I'm invested in STRs and regarding whether they are worth it or not, in my opinion yes. The returns are great for a low amount of work on my part. However, I am paying a PM to deal with the day to day. It's a lot more work than a LTR and if you are the one managing it while doing another job or jobs, it will be really tough to be a good host. The income is significantly better than a LTR, but significantly more work to manage.
I've done large multifamily and retail in addition to residential and STRs can offer the best returns out there currently, but it is a hospitality business first backed by real estate. The PM, whether you are it or if you hire one, is what will drive performance.
I pick up all my deals from people who bought them not knowing what they were doing. Poorly designed, poorly marketed, etc. Change the marketing and put it back on the market to perform in the top 75% of the market. I'm stoked that the last one we launched now is up to 22 reviews that are all 5 stars on AirBnB. Location and design play into that, but the PM drives the hospitality touches of cleanliness, responsiveness, etc.
I work with a few partners. Send me a message if you want to discuss.