1. What real estate investment strategies do you think are a good start for absolute beginners with no handyman skills?
I had no handyman skills when i started, but honestly I wish i had. It's like buying cars without any knowledge of cars. At a bare minimum, you better have a mechanic you trust who can vet them for you. Otherwise, you'll probably buy cars with unexpected problems. When i started looking at houses, i didn't really have any idea what i was looking at. Now when i look at a house, i notice much more about the physical house itself. House hacking a good property, in a good area, with good tenants is probably a good place to start.
2. What books, blogs, pages, channels, etc. would you suggest to learn any general beginner knowledge?
Brandon Turner's books- "Rental Property Investing" and "Managing Rental Properties". When it comes to stocks- "The Boglehead's Guide to Investing". Basic personal finance- "The Index Card". Advanced personal finance- "Set for Life".
3. What are the biggest mistakes you made as a beginner real estate investor? How did you avoid these mistakes moving forward?
Where would i even start? As far as minimizing mistakes, read the books. Try to find people who can be trusted, care about doing good work, and aren't out to milk you out of every dollar. That's the best you can do, short of getting actual job experience as a contractor, property manager, or realtor.