I'm a Pinnacle investor and was expecting my return this week. I originally invested in August. I had 100% trust in the company, after all, they did advertise in newsweek. I've been looking for a Fed-ex envelope or voice mail or something from Pinnacle. Nothing. I called Nick Rogge, my advisor, and Charisse. Left messages, no reply. I finally decided to check the web last night and finally found this forum. What a drag! Oh my god! :badwords:
My message tonight is directed to Nick, Charisse and Gene:
I don't know how much of this stuff you were aware of when you first got involved with Pinnacle, but somewhere down the line you must have had an idea something wasn't right (presuming you know the difference between right and wrong?) :violin:
Have you ever heard of karma? What you sow is what you reap. There are a hell of a lot of people pissed off at you right now. What choices are you going to make now?
So, what are you going to do? Are you going to sit back, clam up, pretend you're innocent, stick your head in the sand, hope it all goes away, let this whole thing unfold, let the lawyers and receivers take most of the assets in fees? Or, are you going to do the right thing, and admit the truth (funny word, truth. It means, what actually happened, pure and simple). You know the truth, you were there, right? :shock:
Are you going to sit back and hope you can save your measly little reputations, letting the lawyers take the lion's share of what's left of your "company's" assets (our money), or are you going to actually step up to the plate and be a man (woman), perhaps for the first time in quite a few years.
There are hundreds and thousands of us out here who actually believed and trusted in you and your message. Are you going to screw us over again? Are you going to let Hays and his troops take you through court, expose what weasels you actually are, ultimately ending up with our money, your reputations in shatters? Can you sleep at night?
Or, are going to show us that in the end you are not the a**holes most of think you are now?
My advice: Tell the truth, come out with it, bare your souls. What have you got to lose? You have a lot to gain.
Settle this fiasco here and now, cooperate, tell the truth, free up your ill-gained assets, let them be returned to who they belong to: the working-class Joes who believed in you in the first place. You know what's right. Listen that voice in your head. Do the right thing. Join the human race. :superman:
Karma never forgets....
You will never forget.....
We will never forget you...
How will karma remember you?
~ Pissed off in California....