I haven't been following this for awhile because it seems that so far Mr. Hays is doing a great job, but I was interested in Grreat Lakes Gal's comments about Newsweek's involvement in all of this. I expressed similar sentiments here a few weeks ago. Okay, yeah, they probably don't have a legal obligation to do anything - lawyers just chill out a little bit here. Just take a deep breath - we're not talking about the law, we're talking about integrity, trust, decency, doing the right thing. Something that probably doesn't compute in most lawyers' brains. What about the public's perception of Newsweek as a company of supposed repute? I, for one, trusted Pinnacle simply because they were allowed to advertise in Newsweek. That says a lot for my simple trust and loyalty in that rag. If you can't trust Newsweek, who can you trust? The question is, are they going to try to keep my trust and do something honorable now, or are they just going to take their money from whatever is left of Pinnacle and then go ahead and take the next jackass ad that comes their way? Who is going to have trust in them anymore? Not me. In fact I'll probably cancel my subscription. Trouble is, where do I go, Time? Are they going to model their integrity as an American institution that finally took a stand against the leeches of society that would happily take all our money and run, or are they going to stand, hold out their hand and take money from an obvious scam-artist like O'niell?
I'm with you, GL Gal! Thanks for taking a stand for decency. God only knows this country needs it now! :superman: