Hi. How long has she been a tenant? When does her lease expire? We've been down this road a few times. Female tenant moves in. Boyfriend soon appears and starts living there. They play this game because the guy has a criminal record so the woman applies for the apartment alone. I don't care what my tenants do in their personal lives and they can have an occasional guest but when the "guest" is staying there on a regular basis, they are no longer just a guest. Do you have language in your lease about guests and how long they can stay? We also have a strict policy that anyone 18 or older living on the premises must be properly screened and approved. How recent are the charges? Although they may seem like only driving violations, it shows a pattern of disrespect for rules and responsibility. ALL of the times we have given people the benefit of the doubt and overlooked similar things, it has come back to bite us. Remember this is not personal, this is a business.
Best advice: Keep strict screening requirements and stick to them.
Be prepared that if you tell her he does not qualify to live there, she will probably sneak him in anyway. If you can prove he is living there (which can be difficult), you can then serve her with a notice to quit based on your state's laws. If you can't prove it but he continues to live there, do not renew her lease. They can always move into his apartment! Wink wink!
Good luck!