You've gotten some great replies on both sides of the choice. I would tend to not use a real estate agent (unless they are also property managers) if the rent is under 1000-1200 per month. (Before the backlash, I have been a licensed realtor in PA for over 20 years). And they won't screen for you. You will have to do your own. We use a firm that gives us all the information we need with an overall tenant rating for about $25 per person (charged to the applicants as an application fee but a full or partial credit back off first month's rent if they are approved). Well worth it. Might want to look at property mgt. firms. Some will do a rental only agreement and possibly include the screening information gathered but you will have to make the final decision. If you have a full mgt. contract, they most likely will make the decision in placing. Steering clear of a discrimination lawsuit is easy if you follow a few simple rules. 1. Use the same application and screening process for anyone that applies. 2. You can deny if: They cannot afford the rental, evictions for non-payment, recent bankruptcy, financially reckless behavior, etc. You can also deny on habitability limitations (# of people vs # of bedrooms), a consistent no pet policy if they have a pet, Megan's Law registrants, ex convicts on parole or Sec 8 applications if you do not want to do the work they request after their inspection. If you are new to this, find a mgt. company and let them manage the property(s) for a year while you learn the business. Even then, if you buy more properties, you may find that having a firm manage your properties leaves you more time to grow your portfolio.