John Covi Jr I am happy to help as I had some of the same questions.
1. There is no book with the 15 hr section. It's only case studies. You read a scenario, you take a short quiz about it, then the instructor (a recording, not live) walks through the scenario and all the questions.
2. It says you can only complete it during the day (the times you referenced), but I found that you can work on the lessons outside of those hours. I never logged out and I was able to complete the sessions over a weekend. I think I spent 4-5 hours on a Friday, a few hours on Saturday, then a couple hours on Sunday then I was done. It was very quick.
You will have no problem getting through this portion after the 75 hr part.
Also I wound up going with Kale Realty. They are 100% commission and had low fees compared to the others I looked up. The icing on the cake, though, is that they do actually provide a ton of support for their brokers as well. During my onboarding I told them I was surprised about how much they offer their brokers in support, and they very transparently said that there was no reason not to. They don't want people to leave disgruntled because then they lose the money that they pay in fees, and if they offer support, their brokers are less likely to mess up and cause legal issues.
It just makes sense for their business model to work.
They have support people dedicated to transactions, investing, marketing and more available to you everyday whenever you need them.
There isn't a ton of lead generation help, there is some, and I'm sure if you asked for it they would help you more, but if you join a 100% commission brokerage, you're not really looking for that. So this isn't a problem for me as I am mainly an investor.
I feel like I'm making them sound too good to be true haha but I am not benefiting from telling you this
I would recommend them, but do some research! Maybe you'll find an even better fit.