As a newbie with minimal investing experience, I felt that it was overall a waste of my time. When I asked one of the guys if there was going to be more meat in the content the next day, the guy's response was that not everyone in the room was as smart as me. That's all he had to say. Reminded me of the time I was standing with a group of people watching an orangatan dance around at the SF Zoo, and then he suddenly flung a handful of poop at the crowd and we all scattered screaming.
If you insist on sitting through it, bring coffee and snacks. Their idea of keeping you awake is to crank up the AC, so dress in layers. They don't let anyone ask questions in the rouse of saving time, but the reality is that they don't want to divulge too much. Someone blurted out a question on how to find cash buyers when wholesaling. I thought the guy was going to jump off the stage and slap the lady for not following instructions. Well that surely deterred anyone else from being so bold. I split the $200 for the 3 days with my partner, so $33/day wasn't going to hurt. But the hours of sitting through the shpiel was pretty painful. Have fun!