Hello bryan
Firsly welcome to the community, im new here myself and also still learning but already I have found the community to be full of pleasant, open minded people who love to help with any advise they can, so try to connect with as many people as you can, visit the forums as much as you can and even respond to posts you think you can give advise on because you never know what others may say that may help you with you own investing but just remember to really build yourself up as a valued person in the community get involved as much as possible.
Thats about all I can say for the moment, but feel free to reach out to me if you ever have any questions that I may have a possible answer to or can point you in the right direction, and if you havnt done already visit the start here section on the dashboard to get your profile fully looking the best you can have it, and plus it will give any extra help on navigating the site, good look on finding your mentor and I wish you all the best in your8ur future endeavours.