@Ron Flatt Thanks for your response I have quite a few questions since I've never done a deal before, your advise is priceless.
"The property was in my name, loan was on me. After the bank loan was secured, I filed a second for him, to protect his interest."
I understand here that you were approved for the bank loan but afterwards what do you mean by "I filed a second for him, to protect his interest."? Do you mean you mean you got a loan through him as a private money lender to pay off the bank loan? If not, what does it mean and how did it protect his interest?
"Yes, we split everything, after all expenses. We deducted the loan, his investment and his interest, my management fees and all repairs that had been done. Rents had been accruing slowly over the period of time."
Just so I have this straight, after everything was accounted for and paid (I'm assuming all repairs that YOU made were paid out to you), you guys would split the profit at a percentage something like (90/10) or (80/20) in his favor since you simply managed it?
Since I won't be working with any banks I'm wondering if it's worth trying to get the title in my name since he's providing all the capital or if I should strictly treat it as an opportunity to learn how to manage someone else's property to gain some experience. Of course if I can get the place in my name for me to eventually own that would be ideal.