Fun fact I learned this week: Chicago landlords are required to pay for pest management services to get rid of bed bugs in a tenant's apartment, according to the Chicago Department of Public Health - "Preventing Bed Bugs" lease addendum; "What are my landlord's responsibilities under this ordinance? 3) Get rid of the bed bug infestation by providing pest control services by a pest management professional and paying for this service". Luckily it was caught early and is not bad.
I had a tenant reach out to me this week with concerns about a possible bed bug situation in their unit. They asked if I would please take care of the problem and my knee-jerk reaction was "no, that is your problem" but then I thought I better consult my lease before I respond. Lo and behold there was the language. Not sure that the tenant is even aware of the language, but I also don't want to create problems for myself later if/when they do find it.
Thought I'd share to to make others aware, as I had absolutely no idea this fell under a landlord responsibility. Has anyone else had a similar experience?