Hi, everyone!
I had a few questions about Private Lending and what it would take to be a Private Lender.
1. Is it possible to be a Private Lender professionally?
By "professionally" I mean using my private capital, seeking out investors, and then loaning said capital to their projects on a regular basis. I'm aware that people privately lend to other people and investors all the time, but I'm asking more in the context of the legality of making an effort to seek out investors and loan to them. Would this "advertising-like" behavior be in some sort of violation of some Law somewhere? Let's say I contact multiple investor friends, and I inform them that I have the funds to potentially fund their projects. Let's also say I make a living from the returns. It just seems like the solicitation process and (personally) "advertising" to them that they can borrow from me would be against some Law somehow. Could I have a business card listing myself as a "Private Lender" and pass that out to investors as I meet them?
2. When I privately loan money, what specific type of attorney would I look for to help draft the loan agreements or otherwise help me through the process?
3. As a Private Lender, should I concern myself with protections (beyond what is stated in the loan agreement)? ...such as forming a company or other entity? If I formed a company to do this, could this even be considered "Private" lending anymore since it would technically be the Company doing the lending and not my private individual self?
4. I know that joint ventures are another way of investing private capital with other investors and living off of the returns. Are JV's the only way available to do Private Lending professionally? ...is it the best or preferred way for some reason?
Thanks for the help!