Being a licensed broker/property manager as well as an investor here in Knoxville and Maryville I would have to say go with your criteria instead of your feelings. It is nice to rent out your home before you get it on the market however knowing the market here I don't think renting it out would be an issue if you had to wait until you are done.
The perks of not showing it and such can be good, a bankruptcy 5 years ago would not be a huge concern for me since that was about the time everyone had issues, the no missed payments really hold a lot of weight since then. If her score checks out, and depending on how much you screened her (both on phone and in person) you can get a better feel of how she is. The income over and above rent price is nice, as well as no pets.
A red flag for me would be moving to the area for a job. Not an instant deal killer but new location and new income also brings about the chance she could hate the job and quit or move back home. Everyone says they will stay there forever, every one promises the moon. Not to sound cynical but hope for the best and expect the worst.
Check references and google them, don't just take the number or info they put on the paper, it could be a friend or buddy "vouching" for them. That has saved me a lot of trouble in the past. Every one has good intentions but things can change in an instant, even someone with no bankruptcy and perfect credit could have issues. Make sure you get copies of her ID and if you don't have something in your lease waiving the notice of termination of tenancy due to nonpayment I would get that in there. You don't want to have to wait 30 days after giving her notice that you are taking her to court if something goes bad and she can't pay.
In the end take emotions completely out of it, that is the only way to stay successful when investing, especially when renting out.
Good luck.