Ask yourself two simple questions before spending a DIME on a Yancey or Mike Warren-like guru (who now markets under a different last name, btw.) event, seminar, home study system etc.:
1. If their system is so effective and profitable, why are they wasting time better spent investing in their "secret" strategies by flying around the country giving seminars and "coaching"? And why would they CREATE competition for themselves buy sharing their "systems"?
Answer: They make a KILLING doing seminars, selling their courses and coaching. And while they're at it, why not bring in another huckster to pitch his "system" at the seminar and split the profits? The world is full of gullible people who want real estate "ruby slippers" and never want to do any hard work, which is what real estate investing is. But its the highest return hard work you can do.
2. If they mention the words "secret system", "only a few seats left" , "last chance", "my good friend "X" agreed to host this webinar" and they bombard you with emails from other "gurus" they are frauds. Real estate is blocking and tackling. Plain and simple. There are no "secret marketing campaigns they don't want you to know about" etc. "Regular price $1597, but today only $97.00! (we'll charge your credit card an additional $97.00 a month until you capitulate)
The majority of these guys are charlatans and hucksters and several have been prosecuted or changed the names of their companies several times to avoid scrutiny (you know who you are). Check the web before opening your check book. These guys are VERY good at what they do.
Emerse yourself in BiggerPockets and the volumes of FREE information, mentoring and advice found here. Network, read, and most importantly, GET OVER YOUR FEAR.
Sorry, off my soap box now...