I am going to put a different twist on things.
First if you are a new investor and your not investing in your area, you are setting yourself up, in my opinion.
If I was going to invest out of my area, I would pair up with someone who is in the business. I would want a partner, and draw up the paperwork to have at least 2 exit strategies and a term limit of the partnership. I would then have them be the boots on the ground, drawing from their experience and local knowledge. I would want monthly books but later may be able to go to quarterly books. I would want to visit their operation to see if it fits my needs.
It helped me expand when others seen what I was doing and wanted to join in. Currently, I have my own real estate, have a flipping project with my children, and have two friends that want to be in rentals, but do not want the headache, (they think).
If you want a closer outline, of what I do give me a message. Usually, I want a 5 -7 year partnership, with guidelines to close out, (I only have one commitment for life, that is my wife) or to extent the partnership. Most decisions will be made by local person, but major decisions of course would be discussed. You want as much in writing as possible, because going in everything is roses and sunshine, however, roses have thorns, and there are droughts and floods in relationships. You want to have as much covered as possible and be able to talk to partner without letting emotions or anger cloud judgement.