I applaud your business model and it's success, keep doing what you do. You observed a need in the market to help novices that provides mentorship at no cost, I'm with that. As I mentioned there is alot of junk out there and one should do their due diligence to determine what works for them, if they can get advice from individuals like yourself, that's a great benefit. I can't comment on anything specific about your methods and what you offer since I have not utilized it.
Full disclosure was my statement about the product I have used and the value it provided. I was satisfied with their guarantees and what they offered. Some people do require guarantees to invest in these programs. They're only as good as the company and the character of the people offering them. It goes both ways though, there are many free products and books that offer only but so much but they don't fill in the gaps. Which leave novices guessing making mistakes or losing lots of money. I can't determine the premium that should be paid to walk through that process for a novice who doesn't want to fail in their transactions going it alone.
Although we may not agree with the cost one "guru" charges, others may be fine with it. Don't like it, then we educate others of the alternatives (which you have done, I certainly know I have).
I recommended research, which only goes but so far besides a recommendation from others who have used them (experienced social proof). Websites, webinars, marketing, SEO can make company's look credible. Again I could only speak for the ones I used.