Thank you for all of the feedback. I very much appreciate the advice.
As far as buying, I only purchase Subject To which gives me ownership. My sellers are usually one payment behind and closing in on two. Payments are typically around $1,000. By the time I make two payments and a little closing cost, I'm into the property for around $2,300. The most I've ever given a seller is $500. Cash calls this "moving money". About 50% of the properties need paint, minor repairs, grass mowed, and pine straw. I can typically get this done for around $2,000. On average, I usually have between $4,000-$5,000 in the deal by the time it sells. That's if the house sells in 60 days. Several times I have sold the house quickly enough that no repairs were made. A few times it's taken a couple of months. I never buy a house Subject To if the repairs are more than I think I can get for a down payment from a buyer. Several investors have recommended that I get the sellers to cover the payments until it sells. By the time they call me, they can't make the current payment.
I have only sold on a wrap. I've never Lease Optioned any of the houses I bought Subject To. My typical house sells in the $150,000-$175,000. I usually get between $5,000-$11,000 down. Their payments run around $1,300. Typically around a $200 spread. My terms are to refinance in 35 months or less.
My plan is to increase my minium to $25,000 in equity and negotiate a larger downpayment. I think I will focus on buying newer homes which may help with the larger down payments. Maybe 1-10 yrs old.
Feel free to advise. Thanks again for everyone's help!!