I am seeking recommendations for a real estate attorney in the Cleveland, OH area. To provide a brief summary, you know those emails you get about doing short-term private lending secured by real estate as an easy, passive way to invest in real estate? Well, after speaking with the individual in question and deciding to go ahead with this, it appears I have been duped. The individual I set this up with made one payment on Dec. 1 with the second supposed to occur on Jan 1. On Jan 4. I sent a "gentle reminder" email letting him know that I had not received the second payment. He actually responded to this saying that with the holidays, to give it a few more days. Sure, that makes sense. So, waited until Thursday and since I still had not received payment, sent him two additional emails and left a voicemail, all with no response.
So, I need to speak with an attorney about the next appropriate action to take. Any recommendations for an attorney in the Cleveland, OH area are greatly appreciated. I will post a much longer version detailing my experience at a later date. Thank you in advance.