Thanks for the shout-out @Lauren Sanford!
I agree with @Chris Seveney, anyone who says that investing in notes is risk-free isn't being honest with you. Of course there are risks with any investment. However, in my opinion - most of those risks can be mitigated with proper due diligence.
We like 2nd liens better than 1sts for a few reasons:
- more diversification potential (lower cost / lower UPB)
- 1st lien-holder helps protect all subsequent lien-holders by ensuring taxes are current
- typically secured by higher value collateral (in my experience)
But Chris is right, as equity is threatened by falling home values - 2nd liens are the first to go from a high-value full equity deal to partial equity or underwater.
If links aren't allowed by the mods - please advise, but I put together the results of our last ~18 months of NPL sales (both 1st & 2nd liens) here:
As you can see on the google sheet above, the average NPL sale price has been 52.89% of the UPB over the last 277 assets sold.