I’m a real estate investor who specializes in undeveloped land properties and I’m looking for a way to monetize some of the leads I receive on land properties that don't meet my criteria. I have very specific criteria for what I buy and sell so I pass up a lot of potentially good investments on land properties that are not in my market, or don’t meet the specific criteria I’m looking for. I have a database of over 7,000 leads, and acquire about 20-30+ leads a day through my various lead generation networks.
I’m looking for ways that I could potentially monetize these leads through referrals, or subscriptions to investors who might want access to them.
I also have the ability to list and sell land properties through my network on the sales side and would ideally like to receive some kind of compensation, such as a buyer's premium, for selling the actual properties for the seller without owning them, however these properties are in different states and I’m not a licensed real estate agent so I’m assuming I can’t charge any sort of commission. Any suggestions?
I’m posting this to see if anyone has any suggestions or might have more insight or knowledge about how to either monetize leads or charge some kind of fee for listing and selling properties without being an agent.