I have been on and off with getting my real estate license due to life events and other things.
I basically have 2 courses left and the license exam and will add that I have had some success in sales but being 31 now and the real estate market being in a low spot I'm not
as confident as I could be that I will succeed if and when I start my career as an agent. If and when I get my real estate license I know I will gain confidence if I were to get
at least 1 sale per month. I will admit that I am in introvert and have had some issues with triggers and mental health in the past but overall I have been better as of late but it's
still a work in progress. I understand that having confidence is key and that I have to have thick skin to persevere through all the no's and going for a period of time without getting paid
but I know I can do it. Back to the question what have you guys done as agents to build up your confidence and be successful enough to remain in real estate? Any tips and experiences would
be appreciated!