@Dorian Phillips On the surface, your numbers look pretty solid. As Kyle mentioned, your vacancy is a bit low, but that depends on your risk tolerance and the market. I personally would bump that up to closer to 8-10%.
For capex and repairs, they look good to me and I probably wouldn't adjust them much, but the biggest thing to remember when using percentages to estimate costs for repairs/capex is that many costs are almost "fixed". They're not truly fixed, but they don't fluctuate much. @Brandon Turner talks about this on the BP podcast from time to time. The cost to fix a roof on a $100k property isn't significantly less than it is on a $300k property. However, on the $100k property, you'd need to allocate a SIGNIFICANTLY higher percentage towards repairs and capex than you would on the $300k property to be prepared for the same cost repair.
Stepping away from the input data and looking at the results, the CoCROI is strong, but the monthly cash flow is weak, for me. It's less than $150 per door per month, which is too low in my opinion. I need at least $200+, ideally $250+.
Robert Leonard