Hey Nathan, for me it would be networking. I think relationships are important for every investor no matter the experience level. As a new investor, I think being intentional about trying to build out your network is crucial because the fastest way to learn is through investors who have been down the path you are trying to go and can help help you get there on more of a straight line than lots of zigging and zagging. Networking is also generally where you can find referrals for your investment team of GCs, lenders, wholesalers, agents, etc. The same applies to an experienced investor and networking with others who are currently where they are trying to go. Plus, the more relationships you develop the more opportunities will come your way. Many times the best deals you come across are a result of putting yourself out there and telling people what you are looking for so that you come to mind whenever someone comes across it. Also, you get back what you give. I've found that the more you try to help others with anything you can and expect nothing in return, the more others help you.