No one has mentioned the obvious and that's the government seizure of every rental property in America with the CDC moratorium followed by state and local moratoriums. The federal moratorium is set to expire March 31, 2021. Oddly enough, it hasn't been extended yet. Landlords are being unfairly portrayed as the bad guys. If the March 31st deadline isn't extended, look for many evictions to take place. In many blue states the governors and mayor's have already extended the moratoriums through the summer months. It was an artful moratorium because it was worded in such a manner as to make it look like landlords were not losing anything since it stated the rental were still due but most will never be paid. Do not underestimate the mindset against simply seizing your property without just compensation which the Constitution states is prohibited. This is precisely what has happened and your property rights have been diminished as a result. This appears obvious yet several federal courts have stated the CDC has the power to do this and the missing rents are no big deal. Several other courts have stated the CDC directive is unconstitutional but no mention of the Fifth Amendment. Don't underestimate this even if you don't think it's affected you. Without you knowing it you have moved to Venezuela where social justice for the community trumps your property rights. It was a horrible policy and it will affect the rental markets for years to come in many ways.
I predict that initially many small players will exit leaving the market to the pros. They will learn to weed out the losers with sophisticated software and that is already happening. Many tenants who took advantage of the moratorium will find it difficult to find their next rental. Landlords will want more upfront further locking out the bottom of the market. The government may decide to intervene again. A second intervention would be disastrous but politicians don't care about market forces only political theater. This stage play has a long way to go. If the federal moratorium is extended by March 31st, the results will be disastrous as many smaller players are barely hanging in now. How is Covid 19 changing real estate? It has led to the greatest seizure of wealth in human history and closely resembles the destruction of the kulaks in Russia after the Communist revolution. Stay tuned. If the federal moratorium is extended the rental market will erupt in more turmoil than you can can imagine with potentially millions of foreclosures looming just over the horizon. Landlords can't keep going without rental payments. The 50 billion passed for relief isn't even a fraction of what is needed. The CDC announced March 19th that they are fighting for an extension of the moratorium. Even if it isn't extended, there are many wannabe dictators who will extend moratoriums at the state and local levels who are only too happy to make themselves look good buying votes with your money. You're up against social justice. Play accordingly.