Many of the big brand name brokerages are locally owned franchises, so on one hand, there is a more "corporate" element to those offices, and on the other hand, the owners might still be local, with local market expertise, operating as a locally owned business affiliated with a national or international brand. Ultimately, the decision probably depends on the direction you'd like to take your business, where you see your business coming from, whether or not you plan to eventually hire team members, and so on. I started selling real estate when I was brand new with a smaller company. About 18 months later, I moved to the largest brokerage in our market at the time, which was a Coldwell Banker brokerage. Today, I work for the top Re/Max office in our market, which is much smaller than Coldwell Banker. I have always found the brand name affiliation that a large brokerage offers to be valuable, and primary reasons being:
1) Brand Recognition: Most customers don't care what company you work for as long as you know what you are doing and take care of them. But, sometimes they do. As a newer agent, I was able to rely on the brand and reputation of the company that I worked for when I didn't have a lot of personal experience. And, during the market meltdown and crash and recession that started in late 2008, it was helpful in securing listings and retaining listings during a time when sellers were understandably expecting that every possible resource was being used to help sell their house.
2) Streamlined Systems & Training/Coaching: Larger companies, especially the big real estate brands, have created systems and tools and access to things like marketing material, online lead tracking, personalized websites, and so on. The fees are relatively small and resources are branded to the company, and usually streamlined through one system. This allows a busy agent to run their business more efficiently without having to purchase each little app or service individually, and then having to organize and make sense of it all. For new agents, many of the large brokerages have training programs and training materials that are effective and useful. Compared to the smaller company that I started with, there is much less "reinventing the wheel", and it's a big time and money saver. When it comes to building teams or hiring support staff, larger companies are more likely to have experience in this department, and many times can help provide a road map and some guidance for expanding productively and without derailing your business in the process. Again, goes back to not having to reinvent the wheel.
3) Referral Opportunities: Over the years, I have received numerous referrals from other agents around the country that have found me through the company referral directory, or that I've met at a company conference, and sending referrals to another agent has been easier also. In addition to traditional referrals, my affiliation with a national real estate brand has opened doors for other opportunities to partner with other service providers or cross market with organizations that require their business partners or affiliate is also an affiliate of one of the big real estate brands. This could include things like relocation companies, asset management companies, iBuyers, and so on.
Those are the main reasons that I've found value in working for one of the big national brands, which wasn't really offered or available working for a mom-and-pop style, local brokerage. Good luck!